Slitters and Used Slitters for Sale, Buy Used Slitters Rewinders for Sale and Rebuilt Slitters, Rebuilt Slitters Rewinders and Used Slitters        



Often our customers want to purchase a used slitter which  may require certain "modifications" to make it perform for their process. In some cases they may know exactly what changes they need. In most cases, however, we are working with them to slit a difficult product, and we make certain suggestions as to how to make a machine best perform the task.

These modifications may include upgrading drives and controls, varying the web path, or making adjustments in the slitting technology. Our long history slitting the widest imaginable variety of products gives us the experience necessary to make used machinery perform virtually any slitting and winding task as a fraction of the cost of a new machine.

So if you want to purchase a used machine but are concerned about it's ability to perform your task, or if you simply need help learning how to best slit your material, give us call. 



Please click here to check out our cantilevered design modifications. It's slitting made easier!


Check Out Our Cantilevered Design Modifications.



Copyright © 2003 Benick Machineworks LLC
86 Mary Crest Drive, Putnam, CT 06260 USA
860-963-0255 Fax: 860-963-1054


Benick Machineworks, we add new life to your used machinery.
Slitters, Used Slitters for Sale, Used Slitters Rewinders for Sale, Slitters Rewinders, Rebuilt Slitters Rewinders & Used Slitters